The holiday season is a time of joy, but it can also bring its fair share of stress. From financial pressure to family challenges, it can be tough for many.
Kerry Hawkins, a social worker with years of experience supporting Western Australians through life’s challenges, shares her advice on how to manage your holiday with ease. She helps people navigate issues like financial hardship, grief and loss, family issues, and more, focusing on people’s strengths to help them live their best lives.
Here are some of Kerry’s tips for getting through the holidays.
Organise the essentials before the holidays
Think about what you’ll need, such as groceries or food vouchers. Foodbank and other support services offer emergency relief, but availability will depend on your location, so it’s worth checking before the break.
It’s also a good idea to organise prescriptions or medical appointments before Christmas, as these services can get busy. If you need help with planning, contact a trusted family member or friend, or you can speak to a member of your SensesWA support team.
Get financial support if you need It
With the rising cost of living and rent, many people are struggling financially. It’s worth getting advice from a trusted financial expert. Social workers can also help connect you to services like Centrelink or to charities such as AnglicareWA and the Salvation Army for emergency financial support.
Stay connected with family and friends
The holiday season is often full of social events, but it can also be a tough time for some. Think about what you need to stay connected and content during this time. If you’re unsure what to do on Christmas Day, consider exploring local services like Mission Australia, who can provide guidance on activities or support available in your area.
Tune in to how you’re feeling
Kerry explains that the holiday season can bring both highs and lows, so it’s important to tune in to how you’re feeling. Pay attention to your emotions and set realistic expectations for yourself. Kerry explains if you think it’ll be a tough time, treat Christmas like any other day and plan something that’ll make you feel happy.
Get extra support if you need it
SensesWA social workers, like Kerry, work with families through tough times. Whether they’re transitioning into adulthood from high school, dealing with tough decisions like guardianship or need help with housing, she helps people navigate their way to the right services and supports while providing with choice and control.
If you or your family member would like to know more about how social workers can work with you to achieve your NDIS goals, call us on 1300 111 881 or email