Social Work

Our social workers work with you to improve your personal and social wellbeing. Our dedicated team work with individuals, families, groups and communities to overcome challenges and connect you to services.

Our social workers are here to support you with your NDIS goals

Our accredited social workers take time to understand your situation and offer solutions and supports that suit your personal preferences and circumstances. We work with you to help you work through life’s challenges including financial hardship, grief and loss, family issues, and organising guardianship.

Some of the more specific ways our social workers provide support includes:

Support with life challenges

  • Helping you navigate life changes and getting access to services you need
  • Connecting you with external agencies and community activities
  • Supporting your ability to self advocate for services such as NDIS and Centrelink
  • Mentoring, counselling and support with legal issues such as guardianship and court related matters
  • Referral pathways to non-NDIS service and government services

Education, therapy and counselling

  • Short term counselling to improve your quality of life and help you to identify and address unmet needs
  • Building your confidence and working with you on strategies to build resilience for optimum mental health
  • Family support and counselling
  • Peer support and opportunities for information exchange for you and your family and significant others through workshops and events
  • Education about disability and behaviours for carers and support workers

Getting started

To get started, call us on 1300 111 881 or fill out the form below. We will work with you to develop a tailored plan based on your NDIS goals.

Contact us

    Our services can be funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), fee for service or other funded programs. For more information about the NDIS, visit or call 1800 800 110.
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