Inclusive Schools Workshop

Practical strategies for including students with sensory loss in the classroom – from a person with learned and lived experience.

According to research, people with deafblindness are less likely to experience successful educational outcomes than their sighted and hearing peers. Teachers play a key role in the early identification and intervention that can lead to a more fulfilled life for someone who is deafblind.

SensesWA’s Deafblind Senior Educator Hannah McPierzie provides practical strategies that can lead to more inclusive learning environments.  Drawing from her experience as both a former education support teacher and as someone who lives with dual sensory loss, Hannah brings knowledge of the needs of teachers and students. She also draws on the expertise of a dedicated team of deafblind consultants.

Our workshops are suitable for:

  • Pre-service teachers
  • Primary Teachers
  • Secondary teachers
  • Education support teachers
  • Education Assistants
  • Whole-staff development days

Whether you require a workshop or customised training, we will work with you to develop a plan to equip your teachers with the skills to create a more inclusive learning environment.

Contact us on 1300 111 881 or fill out the form, and a member of our team will be in contact with you.

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