
Dietetician Madeleine Wray is sharing information about nutrition with a mother. A female child is seated in the foreground.Our dietitians work with you to develop your understanding of how food and drink affects the body and provide advice to help you improve your health and wellbeing.

How we support your health and nutrition goals

Our qualified dietitians work as part of our therapy team, helping people living with disability manage their nutrition requirements to support their mealtime and nutrition goals. We’ll work with you to assess your individual needs and develop a plan for your NDIS mealtime goals.

Some of the more specific ways we can provide support includes:

  • Preparing health information to help you understand how nutrition affects the body
  • Advice for dietary choices to assist with weight management, strength, sleep quality, health and wound healing
  • Addressing micro or macronutrient deficiencies
  • Feeding therapy, including advice for fussy eaters
  • Meal planning, shopping, cooking and building independence skills and help with Mealtime Management Plans (MMP)
  • Food plans tailored to sensory preferences and specific challenges
  • Oral Nutritional Supplements
  • Reducing mealtime stress and improving relationships with food
  • Enteral feeding (PEG)

Funding support

Services can be funded through your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, fee for service or other programs.

Your team of allied health professionals

Our dietitians work with a team of allied health professionals who can provide tailored support based on your needs. Other services we offer include:
Deafblind Services
Early Childhood Intervention
Occupational Therapy
Orientation and Mobility
Positive Behaviour Support
Social Work
Speech Pathology

Getting started

To get started, call us on 1300 111 881 or fill out the form below. We will work with you to develop a tailored service plan based on your goals.

Contact us

    Our services can be funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), fee for service or other funded programs. For more information about the NDIS, visit or call 1800 800 110.
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