Communication Guide Training

Gain the skills to support someone with deafblindness to access information, the environment and communication.

About deafblindness

Someone has deafblindness if they are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and also have low vision or are blind. It is a unique, widely misunderstood and isolating disability which has a significant effect on communication, socialisation, mobility and daily living.

About Communication Guide Training

A Communication Guide can provide Human Guiding and supports someone with deafblindness to access information, the environment and communication.

The training is presented by SensesWA Deafblind Consultants with varied professional & allied health backgrounds and people with deafblindness.

Course Content

Day 1: Theory with some practical exercises.
Day 2: Human Guide theory and practical exercises, including public transport travel.

You will receive a certificate when you complete the training.

Upcoming dates

  • 13 & 14 May, (9am – 4pm)
  • 24 & 25 June, (9am – 4pm)

Please use the form below to register your interest in attending.

Scholarships available

Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are pleased to offer scholarships for the Communication Guide Training, typically valued at $800 for two full days of expert-led training. This opportunity is available to individuals working in disability services across Western Australia.

To apply for a scholarship, complete the Expression of Interest form below and include a brief sentence explaining how the Communication Guide Training will enhance your professional skills.

Expression of Interest

Which session(s) would you like to attend?(Required)
The cost for Communication Guide Training is $800 per person and includes 2 full days of training (9am - 4pm). Scholarships are available.
I would like to be considered for a scholarship (free training):(Required)
If you have specific accessibility requirements, preferences or require more information, please write your comments here.