Duncan Guy
Chief Executive Officer

Ophelia Reid
Chief Operating Officer (Acting)

Gautam Gupta
Chief Financial Officer

Mitchell Johnston
General Manager Transformation
As the CEO of SensesWA, Duncan brings over 20 years of experience in the healthcare sector, specialising in organisational strategy, transformation and driving innovation to elevate customer experience within disability services. His commitment to initiating positive change makes him the guiding force behind SensesWA’s endeavours to modernise care delivery. Through Duncan’s leadership, SensesWA is committed to breaking down barriers and shaping a more inclusive future.
Ophelia draws on twenty-five years of experience in the health and disability sector. Originally trained in allied health, Ophelia went on to study Business Administration and has held senior management and directorship roles in Australia and internationally. Driven by purpose, and informed by contemporary business practices, she works closely with customers and a committed team to achieve positive health and organisational outcomes through strategic management of personnel and resources.
A seasoned Executive with a financial and commercial background, Gautam holds significant experience in Disability, Health and Aged Care.
Expertly leading the finance and IT functions, Gautam also brings invaluable insight and perspective to the business from his many years in the not-for-profit sector and human services.
Well regarded across the organisation for his approachability and friendly approach to finance, he is committed to ensuring decision makers are financially literate and that the right systems are in place to ensure productivity, efficiency and positive user experience.
When he’s not crunching the numbers and sporting snappy suits, Gautam loves spending time with his wife and teenage children, supporting their various educational, sporting and recreational pursuits. He’s also a great cook and never fails to bring a plate of vegetarian goodness to a morning tea event!
As the General Manager Transformation at SensesWA, Mitchell Johnston brings almost two decades of experience in strategy and organisational transformation. His experience includes over 10 years of management consulting knowledge, leading large-scale transformations for some of Australia’s most prominent organisations. Through Mitchell's leadership, SensesWA is committed to delivering on a transformative agenda that provides enhanced outcomes for our staff and customers.
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